Blackeyed Susan vine SEEDS Mix COLOR,(Thunbergia alata) White,Gold ,And Yellow,It's a fast climber, lush foliage and masses of blooms. Black-eyed Susan vine (Thunbergia alata) SEEDS Commonly known as Black-Eyed Susan Vine, this profusely blooming climber grows from Thunbergia seeds, and it's quite an attraction in the summer garden. The orange Black Eyed Susan vine features 1 – 2 inch orange blooms, many with black eyes, against large, heart-shaped foliage. It's a fast climber, and it will adorn a rustic gate, mailbox, flagpole base, or trellis with a twining vine, lush foliage and masses of blooms. Thunbergia orange vines makes wonderful privacy screens if they are grown at the base of chain-link fencing. Thunbergia Black Eyed Susan vine grows best in full sun. They needs average, well-drained soil. Plant seedlings 3 inches away from supports. Netting or strings make good trellis material. Solid fencing or large posts will need trellis material for the vine to climb. Spa...